01481 226565 careersguernsey@gov.gg

Explore Careers in the Bailiwick

What is the aim of Explore Careers in the Bailiwick?

Explore Careers aims to provide reliable careers information about sectors in the Bailiwick and beyond all year round, to support raising aspirations and to inspire people about what is available. This helps people to consider careers and pathways that they hadn't realised could be for them. 

Have a look at some of the content we have started using already as we continue building the showcase of local opportunities!  Explore Careers

Is there a charge to put content on Explore Careers?

No, we do not charge for content across our website. For the Explore Careers resource, it is important for as many sectors as possible to be included to help raise awareness, raise aspirations and encourage informed decision-making without bias. 

What format does the content need to be in? 

Sharing real life examples of your workplace and the people you work with using photos, videos, demonstrations and props makes learning about the world of work more interesting so feel free to include any of these. Take a look at the Employers Guide and tips for preparing work related learning resources. 

If employers/businesses have a number of career information videos and other content on their own website, would a link to the website Careers page be ok to use?

Yes, that's fine to provide a link to existing content. This also helps ensure any content on our site is kept up to date whenever you might update information on your careers content. 

Can employers work together with other employers to pull together some generic content about the sector?

Yes, we would welcome sector professional bodies or individual employers working together who want to promote their sector and what it can offer. If a contact name can still be provided on the Registration page as a co-ordinator and then we organise how best to publish the information with them. 

How long will the information be on the website for?

Explore Careers is a permanent, year-round resource and we aim to complete an annual check on any information that needs updating. 

Are you going to be adding new sectors to the website? I work in an area that does not fit into the current sector headings but I am keen to support.

Our aim is to include as many sectors as possible so please contact one of our Employability team at careersguernsey@gov.gg who will be pleased to support you with getting involved with Explore Careers. 

What do I need to do if I want to provide some information and content for Explore Careers? 

Contact our Employability Team at careersguernsey@gov.gg who can get this arranged for you. 

Unsure of your next steps? Chat with our team

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