01481 226565 careersguernsey@gov.gg

Work Related Learning in Schools/Post-16

What is Work Related Learning?

'Understanding the World of Work' is an Area of Learning in the Bailiwick of Guernsey Curriculum covering careers information, advice and guidance and work related learning. The curriculum should build secure knowledge of: 

- Careers and the world of work
- Themselves and their career ambitions
- The links between learning, the curriculum and careers
- Progression pathways and qualifications 
- Enterprise, business and personal financial capability 

In order to deliver a quality careers and work related learning programme to meet these learning aims, the Gatsby Benchmarks sets out the requirements of what a good careers programme should include for schools/Post-16. The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are: 

1. A Stable Careers Programme 
2. Learning from Career and Labour Market Information 
3. Addressing the Needs of Each Student 
4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
5. Encounters with Employers and Employees
6. Experiences of Workplaces
7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education
8. Personal Guidance with a qualified Careers Adviser 

Examples of Work Related Learning 

Workplace tours  
Employer talks in school/Post-16
Speed networking with employers 
Mystery Guest to guess the job role 
Researching different working practices 
Careers Sector research
Industry-live projects 
Skills challenges

How do employers and businesses get involved with Work Related Learning? 

Contact one of our Employability team at careersguernsey@gov.gg who will be able to chat through the opportunities for the year ahead. 

How much time do employers need to give?

Time offered will be at the employer's discretion. Each school/Post-16 will deliver aspects of Work Related Learning throughout the year so there will be plenty of opportunities to get involved and support the future workforce. Once employers have registered their interest in offering support for Work Related Learning, Careers Guernsey will be in touch to discuss the different opportunities, dates and times and what is required so that employers can plan their commitment. 

What type of content and engagement/interaction is required from employers?

Employers may be talking to a class about their job role; giving a guided tour around their industry workplace; working with smaller groups of students on an industry-live project; joining other employers at a speed networking event; providing careers videos of employee job roles. Staff from school/Post-16 will be present when you are working with the students and Careers Guernsey staff will help co-ordinate the Work Related Learning activities. Employers will be supported with their preparation of sessions/resources and guided by the school/Post-16 about how best to pitch the delivery and engagement with the students. 

How can Work Related Learning make a difference? 

For students 
Students enjoy learning when it involves employers as they like to hear from people who are doing the job. They are also exposed to careers they may never have considered and can relate to young employees talking about their journey after leaving school. Students can link what they are learning in school/Post-16 to careers which helps motivate them with their learning. Students develop their skills for work and also their understanding of what work is like compared to full time education. 

For employers/businesses 
Employers and businesses can invest and diversify their future workforce and raise awareness of the range of jobs within the sector. It is also a chance to challenge any misconceptions about careers in the sector to aid recruitment in the future. Getting involved with Work Related Learning can help motivate staff by making a difference to young people whilst developing their key skills in a different way. Employers and businesses can demonstrate their commitment to the local community by developing a greater understanding of work, learning and skills and the importance of lifelong career and skills development. 

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